
總第120期 2016年3月 上一期 下一期

第八版 教育· 寰球天地


  寧波華外高中部 薛洪波


Life is a journey,

And he has enjoyed quite some sights and scenes,

Thrilled at first, and confused at last;


Life is a timeless night,

And he has spotted a guide in the dark,

But he himself is blind as a bat.


Life is an iceberg,

And he has seen no more than one tip,

Wondering what is down there underneath;


Life is a garden,

And he has planted several flowers,

Some sweet, some bitter and some in between;


Life is a circle,

And he has cycled but half a round,

Uncertain of running the other in a fever;


Life is a castle,

And he has tried to climb aloft,

Stopping short, lost halfway to the top.


Life is a battle,

And he has fought his best,

Conquering and conquered.


Life is a bottle of wine,

And he has drunk a half,

Left unaware whether to finish the other. 






下一條:Be Grateful to Our Parents